
...it is from that hour that I incline to date my Spiritual New-birth, or Baphometic Fire-baptism; perhaps I directly thereupon began to be a Pig.

June 15, 2006

Friends Around the World

Dear PigBlog Readers,

Bessie here. I came to the computer while my people are eating lunch, just to check up on what they write about Maude and I. Most of it is accurate; however the part about me very aggressively eating too much of the oat grass out of the pot is a huge exaggeration. The roots were very tenacious and that is why I seemed to be doing so much damage. I hope my person will print a clarification. Plus, Maude did really put all that grass in her mouth. She is a real... pig.

In taking a look at the site counter for my PigBlog just now, I noticed that people all over the world visit to read about me and Maude -- from as far away as Minnesota, Mexico, France, Ireland, Hawaii, and even California. How amazing that all these people know about Maude and me, and come and read all about us! I can hardly believe it. I wonder how they found our blog!

So a big hello to all those friends (and strangers) from around the world. Even though we're just pigs, we know you're reading about us! Thanks!


June 14, 2006

In Memoriam

May 2006

Oh Mah Gaw!

It's been faaaaar too long since I updated Ye Olde PigBlog. SHAME! Almost a whole month without piggie picture goodness! How dare I deprive you all of your lovely friends, Maude and Bessie?

Well, you loyal PigBlog readers will be happy to know that things around here are simply fabulous. Maude and Bessie continue very well, loving their hay, pellets and fresh veg. They get regular exercise, and still enjoy the odd little spat. In other words, business as usual.

Recently, I started growing some "cat grass," also known at oat grass, for the Misses. It's safe for them to eat -- it's really just the live version of what they eat dried as hay -- and they LOVE IT. They go absolutely mental for it. I put a small handful of cut grass in one of their bowls the other day, and Maude ate it all up in one bite. She had this ridiculous thick bunch of grass sticking out of her mouth. I'm surprised she didn't choke on it or something. All this to prevent Bessie from eating it. Well, Bessie got her revenge: when allowed to (politely) eat a few blades right from the pot, she promptly chomped and ripped her way through about half of it, pulling it out by the roots so that (I imagine) Maude wouldn't have as much to steal next time.

Photographic proof: