
...it is from that hour that I incline to date my Spiritual New-birth, or Baphometic Fire-baptism; perhaps I directly thereupon began to be a Pig.

March 23, 2006

The FLU!

Hello, loyal pigblog readers. As some of you may know, I was knocked out cold by a nasty flu virus on Sunday, and only awoke to put on real pants late yesterday. Wow! I truly was unconscious for almost 72 consecutive hours. That's what you get for being too lazy to go and get the flu shot comme du monde, I guess.
The upshot of all this is that before I knew it was a virus, I was strictly avoiding contact with my precious ones, as I've heard they can catch bacterial infections from us. Not viruses, for whatever reason, but bacteria. So I stayed away for much longer than I would have liked. I finally got a little cuddle in with Bessie last night, but no recent photos. These old ones will have to do for today.

Oh, one more thing about this flu. I had a really high fever, and of course the requisite wacky dreams. In one of these dreams, Maude and I went for lunch to McDonalds, where we both had chicken mcnuggets and fries. In a moment of playful rowdiness, Maude spit coke at me through her teeth!


Blogger Kieran said...

I'm sure m&b are as elated as we all are that you are feeling better! Q: Are they given full access to roam free in McDonalds?

12:16 pm  
Blogger bugg said...

Oh, only in the play area! Otherwise their poop becomes a potential health hazard, I'm sure.

6:45 pm  

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