A few new things
Hello all, and sorry for the recent pigblog hiatus. I've been studying like a mad fool, and the pigs, for whatever reason, have started re-negotiating Bessie's supremacy. Maude is all of a sudden fighting back, peeing on Bessie, humping her -- even giving her a high-kick the other night! So it's been less than peaceful, but I thought I'd show off a few new things in pigland.
First is our old friend Mordecai, Maude's first cage buddy. He has come back to try and keep the peace. Next is this great fleece I've been using instead of bedding -- I got some with a cool forest pattern on it, which I think the piggies enjoy.... I can vacuum it between changings! It saves money and waste, but I haven't washed my used fleeces yet so I don't know how gross that is going to be.
And Miss Maude just got a new haircut! I bathed both pigs recently and then gave Missy here a nice trim around the back. It kind of makes her look like a lion or a buffalo when she goes charging around the cage, because it's long in front still, but much shorter in back. Kind of a reverse mullet. I'm thinking about someday using Alex's electric clipper and making Maude into a shorthair. That would be neat!
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